Laying Claim to Cannabis’s First F1 Hybrid – Maximum Yield Cannabis

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Cannabis’s First True Breeding Hybrid
Even as the industry instability and environmental threads swirl around him, Humboldt Seed Company founder Nathaniel Pennington has remained focused on a. single goal: creating a true-breeding F1 hybrid. After six years of work, he may have accomplished just that and he’s preparing to tell the world. When you’ve been breeding cannabis for more than 20 years, you simply accept a lot of genetic mixes just won’t work out. But it’s the desire to find that one perfect combination of genes – a unicorn – that keeps a guy like Nathaniel seeking that perfect strain.
There’s no doubt Pennington, the founder and CEO of Humboldt Seed Company, has a bit of that mad scientist element in him when it comes to cross-breeding marijuana plants. And from his 15-acre cannabis farm and lab in northeast Humboldt County, California, Pennington may have just hit upon the mother of all cannabis strains. The creation of a true-breeding F1 hybrid after six years of working toward his goal. However, the 41-year old is cautious when it comes to hitting the jackpot.