Introducing the Future of Cannabis Cultivation: Triploid Cannabis!

Step into the next evolution of cannabis cultivation, where groundbreaking innovation meets unmatched performance. Whether you’re a home grower or a commercial cultivator, triploid cannabis is here to revolutionize your harvest. With unparalleled yields and enhanced potency, the future of cannabis begins now.

  • Lab Tested

  • Recommended for Outdoor

  • Stable Genetics

  • Sustainably Produced

  • Seed Germination Guarantee

  • Certified California Genetics

  • Backed by Science

  • High Yields

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Huge Yields, Unmatched Potency.

Experience the cutting-edge advantage of triploid cannabis—crafted to deliver larger yields, higher THC levels, and a shorter flowering stage for a more efficient and sustainable harvest.

Huge Yields, Unmatched Potency.

Experience the cutting-edge advantage of triploid cannabis—crafted to deliver larger yields, higher THC levels, and a shorter flowering stage for a more efficient and sustainable harvest.




More Productive


Average THC

Stable Genetics, Unmatched Potency.

Experience the cutting-edge advantage of triploid cannabis—crafted to deliver larger yields, higher THC levels, and a shorter flowering stage.

About Triploid Cannabis

In nature, cannabis typically exists as a diploid with two chromosomes. However, through intentional breeding and selective pressures, we have harnessed a rare phenomenon by creating tetraploid plants using a natural chemical derived from the bulb of the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale). These tetraploid plants are then crossed with diploid plants, resulting in offspring with three chromosomes, known as triploid seeds. These improved cannabis seeds pave the way for enhanced genetic vigor and unprecedented possibilities.

This groundbreaking technique draws inspiration from a natural proven method found throughout modern agriculture and is non-GMO.

In your kitchen fruit basket, you can find examples of polyploids, such as seedless watermelon, grapes, bananas, and citrus fruits.

Triploid vs. Diploid cannabis plants for visual comparison
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Super dense buds, powerful flavor, smell and effect. Can’t wait to try more from these guys! Highly highly recommended!

So, what are the benefits of triploid cannabis?

Triploid cannabis produces a more robust and flavorful bud, leading to larger yields and higher levels of THC. This means that growers can expect a larger and more potent harvest. Additionally, triploid cannabis has a shorter flowering stage by 5-10 days, reducing the carbon footprint of each crop cycle. Other potential benefits include an increase in fresh frozen extraction and disease resistance.

While triploid breeding may be new to the cannabis industry compared to feminized seeds and autoflower seeds, it has been successfully utilized in other crops since the early 1900s. Humboldt Seed Company is following in the footsteps of successful grape, watermelon, banana, and hops breeders, bringing time-tested scientific tools to the world of traditional cannabis breeding.

If you’re a grower looking to elevate your yields and enhance the potency of your harvest, triploid cannabis is the future you’ve been waiting for.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Triploid Cannabis GMO?

No, Triploid Cannabis seeds are not genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They are created by inducing an extra set of chromosomes, resulting in seedless plants that occur naturally and do not involve genetic manipulation.

2. How are Triploid Cannabis Seeds made?

Triploid cannabis seeds are created by inducing a third set of chromosomes in the plant through natural reproduction. This is achieved by exposing one plant to an organic chemical compound commonly found in Crocus flower bulbs called colchicine. Colchicine disrupts cell division, creating plants with four chromosomes. These tetraploid plants are then bred with ‘normal’ diploid plants with two chromosomes. The resulting seed offspring all contain three chromosomes (triploid) and are 99% sterile.

3. What are triploid cannabis plants?

Cannabis seedlings or clones with three chromosomes.

4. How are triploid cannabis plants different from diploid plants?

Triploid Cannabis seeds or clones tend to be more stable, potent, and faster flowering.

5. Can triploid cannabis plants produce flowers or seeds?

Triploid Cannabis seeds produce larger flowers and are 99% sterile, meaning they produce few to no seeds.

6. Are triploid cannabis plants more potent or have higher yields?

Yes, Triploid Cannabis seeds tend to produce 10-20% more than average with THC levels in the mid-30s.

7. Can triploid cannabis plants be bred or used for breeding?

No, Triploid Cannabis seeds and clones produce plants that are 99% sterile. While uncommon, they can be bred, creating mixiploid offspring that are generally undesirable.

8. Are triploid cannabis plants resistant to pests or diseases?

Yes, Triploid Cannabis tends to be more resistant to both insects and diseases. Plants also appear to be more drought-tolerant.

9. Do triploid cannabis plants have any disadvantages or drawbacks?

Yes, Triploid plants are 99% sterile, meaning they don’t produce seeds. So, triploid plants are poor options for seed crops.

10. Are triploid cannabis plants legal to grow and consume?

Yes, depending on your local authorization. Triploid Cannabis can be grown wherever cannabis is legal to cultivate.

Triploid Cannabis 101

The world of cannabis genetics is ever-evolving, and for growers looking to increase yield and product potency, the latest cultivation frontier is here with triploid breeding. 

Triploid cannabis, a seed-free approach to cultivation, allows for a stronger and tastier product while also eliminating the looming threat of cross-pollination for breeders. It’s a brand-new cannabis cultivation solution that seems too good to be true, but it actually isn’t that new.

What is triploid cannabis?

Triploid breeding might seem foreign to the industry, but confused operators should look no further than their kitchen fruit basket, where polyploids have been the norm for years. Following in the footsteps of grape, watermelon, banana, and hops breeders, cannabis is finally catching up with the rest of the agricultural industry.

Genetically, cannabis is structured just like humans, as diploids with two chromosomes at least 99 percent of the time. But take a close look at that one percent, and you’ll find a rare occurrence where an organism has multiple chromosomes. In these instances, cannabis plants can naturally develop with three chromosomes, rendering them triploids. 

It’s a one-in-a-million chance, but growers are taking a closer look at the phenomenon and using what they discover as a jumping-off point for breeding intentional triploids. This is done by taking a normal diploid, finding a winning clone, and treating it with a natural chemical that inhibits mitosis or cell division.

When a cell divides, the first thing it does is copy its genetics. Then, the new cell takes the new chromosomes and leaves the old cell with the original copy. Treating a cannabis plant with a natural chemical interrupts mitosis, which means that cell will make extra chromosomes, but it won’t split. As a result, the original cell is no longer diploid. It’s triploid, or in other instances, tetraploid (four chromosomes), pentaploid (five chromosomes), and so on.

While polyploids are still a new concept to the cannabis industry, this method is old news to other plant breeders. Polyploid growing tools have been commonplace throughout the agricultural industry since the early 1900s. In fact, we’re so used to them, we don’t even notice the difference in our produce anymore.

A “normal” banana has big, fat seeds, and is almost inedible. But the bananas we know and love at the grocery store are all flesh and easy to eat because they’re seedless triploids. The same goes for seedless watermelon, seedless grapes, and oranges.

About 30 percent of the crops humans grow commercially are the result of polyploid practices. The same tools we’ve been using for corn, soybeans, and strawberries are finally being introduced to cannabis, and this opens up a world of new possibilities for breeders.

More benefits of triploid cannabis

There are quite a few potential benefits when it comes to triploid cannabis, but one of the most obvious ones is increased diversity.

Adding an extra chromosome—or several—means you’re increasing the amount of phenotypes you can work with, which in turn increases the scope of what cannabis can look like and what phenotypes are out there for growers to discover and utilize.

With two chromosomes, growers have a lot of options for breeding, but ultimately two main outcomes with a small amount of variation. But with polyploids, that potential is vastly compounded. Tetraploids will allow for 1,200 different genetic outcomes, which means as more growers explore this type of breeding, cannabis genetic diversity will explode.

This might look like more disease resistance, different cannabinoid profiles, and terpene profiles that haven’t even been discovered yet. Consumers can enjoy new smells and tastes, which allows even the most seasoned cannabis aficionado to be effectively wowed by their products. 

Triploid breeding might also result in increased yield, and more powerful product potency. Early research on the topic has revealed that polyploid plants might enjoy decreased flowering times, and an increased total biomass. Triploids also produce less seeds, so if you have a hermaphrodite plant or neighbors with a big hemp field and male pollen in the air, your triploids won’t produce nearly as many seeds as your diploid plant.

What does this mean for diploid plants?

If you’re wondering whether triploid cannabis is a threat to the everyday diploid, it isn’t. Diploids are still necessary to produce a polyploid in the first place, and they’re also essential for stabilizing genetics, or making seeds homozygous so they all produce the same plant.

While triploids aren’t replacing the old guard of cannabis breeding, they definitely provide a choice option for growers looking for higher yield, stronger potency, and a decreased risk of harmful cross-pollination. 

If you’re still unsure, take another look at your kitchen fruit basket. This is neither new nor scary. It’s an avenue for better taste, stronger smell, and a range of genetics yesterday’s industry could only dream about. And this is just the start.